Sunday, June 03, 2007

Packing it in

If there's one thing which is seriously getting to me these days, it's packing luggage for yet another trip. It's almost developed into a mental block - I simply cannot get around to doing it until mere hours before departure.

After each return, I simply unload all the clothes into the laundry basket or the washing machine, and leave everything else on the floor, and my suitcase open to air out. I have enough floor space that I can simply walk around it for a few days (or weeks) until the next trip.

Sometimes though, the time between trips is less than 12 hours. Twice now, I've thought to do some contingency packing, half-filling a backup suitcase. Then in case I'm late in returning home, I can get someone to collect my second suitcase from home, and exchange them at the airport, before immediately checking back in for another departure. Of course, in either case, I never quite finished the preparations for the second trip, and ended up spending precious sleeping time finishing the packing job, while doing the washing (and frantically drying it).

I very much fear that even five years from now, I won't have the energy or stamina to cope with unexpected travel surprises, or extended delays.



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