Friday, May 04, 2007

The Airline Snack

Following in the strangely popular world of airline food photography:

Airline Snack of Champions

The Cranberry-Apple Cocktail contains a stunning 60g of carbs, in only 15% real juice. Almost seven times more than the Sun Harvest Mini Pretzels (cute, but salty). Just five cans and you're set for the day.

I have definitely got to work out more. The travel agency booked a connection with only 33 minutes between scheduled arrival and departure times. I had assumed that flights within the same airline would use gates in approximately the same area of the airport. I was most incorrect.

Arriving ten minutes late meant doing an O.J. Simpson Hertz run through the Philadelphia airport (PHL), from Gate C26 to Gate A18, carrying a 30 pound backpack (Thinkpads T41p AND X40, plus a big binder of course notes). What's more, the moving sidewalks all seem to be closed for maintenance.

Perhaps aided by those 58g of sugars, I still manage to be the first connecting passenger from my inbound flight to get to the departure gate, in about 10 minutes. But certainly I didn't arrive gracefully, staggering in flat-footed and winded, with shin splints. The gate agent even gave me a look of pity, before assuring me that we would all make our connection.

As an airline just emerging from bankruptcy, we waited a further 20 minutes for other connecting passengers, to ensure the plane left full. Probably a good thing, or else I might still be looking for my checked luggage.
