Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bon Vol, Bad Flight

I learned a new French word today - amerissage - the maritime counterpart to atterrissage. As in "dans la situation peu probable d'amerissage..."

On the earlier flight this afternoon, two passengers were moved out of the exit row, when they could not speak or understand English (or French). The flight attendants looked a couple rows forward for grateful volunteers willing to switch seats, and willing to help out in an emergency, but didn't get as far as mine.

Of course, the "safety information card in the seat-back pocket in front of you" uses no words at all. Much like automobiles sold in Canada which use dashboard indicator icons that are comprehensible in both official (or any) languages, instead of text.

I find it interesting how the in-flight editions of CBC Newsworld and Radio Canada RDI usually have completely different content. If you only watch one, you're missing out on a lot. The only commonality between the two are the Stanley Cup Playoffs/Matchs Eliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley and the Weather/Météo.

And now, I am stuck in the transborder wing of Calgary International Airport, waiting for a delayed flight (mechanical) to Las Vegas. There is no lounge and no Internet access in this part of the terminal...

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