Tuesday, April 24, 2007


20:30 MT (2 hours after first announcement of flight delay)

On the Tarmac

The flight crew was just paged to the desk for a message - an ominous sign. It turns out they're going to use the plane from the inbound Impoverished Gamblers' Express flight from Vegas. That means another two hours of waiting, and an arrival time after midnight. Add in getting to the hotel and checking in, and I'll have been up for 21 hours by the time this day is done.

Fortunately (for me), one of my colleagues is also here. Misery is much more fun when it's shared. We find power in the restaurant area for laptops and cell phones. They're keeping the Starbucks open a couple extra hours past usual closing. Air Canada is even generously providing snacks - in the standard meagre servings, but appreciated nonetheless.

The seats are rather hard to sit on for longer than 20 minutes, but bearable. I really do wish I had Internet access, but I can hold out (honestly!). In comparison, there are irritable smokers milling about, who have now gone many long hours without a drag.

On all the screens in the terminal, the Calgary Flames are fighting for their playoff lives. After two, it's all tied up at one, and the momentum has shifted to the Wings. Although I watch, I feel strangely detached, with no real emotional investment in this game.

Eventually, we're on our way again. The flight to Vegas is uneventful, but most of the passengers are anxiously awaiting news from the flight deck, of the hockey game, now in sudden death overtime. The announcement comes during our descent. Unfortunately, the final score is 2-1 (2OT) Red Wings. However, I did later spot a few high-spirited gamblers in Flames jerseys at the poker tables, obviously putting the season behind them.

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