Monday, May 07, 2007

Orange Alert

There is a constant tension at airports these days, maintained by endless pronouncements of threat level orange, and about what will happen if you leave your baggage/car/children unattended. At some locations, at least they're providing paper slippers to wear, while unshod. No slippers at the transborder terminal in Pearson airport though, where there are now permanent signs ordering shoes off. On the domestic side, no such requirement.

Heading through security this morning, the CATSA agents pulled aside my backpack for additional screening. They were trying to identify two "microphone" like objects. After putting my shoes back on, I started taking out all the various power supplies and cables. They weren't satisfied. I took out my magic umbrella (guarantees it will never rain). Still not the object they're looking for.

They show me the X-ray image on screen. That's not my bag. Somewhere in the terminal, someone may be wreaking havoc by making a recording...

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