Friday, July 20, 2007

Advice from Mummy

Back in the British Museum, there was a 3-D (glasses included with admission) audio-visual exhibit on Nesperennub. Narrated by Sir Ian McKellen, it is a significant technical and academic achievement, but it is also a very human story, of a middle-manager/priest at the Temples of Karnak.

Rather than desecrating and damaging the mummy by unwrapping, it was placed in a CT scanner in sarcophagu. The resulting visualisation reveals details which could not otherwise be known, including various health conditions and special ornamentation. In an ancient case of "just cover it and maybe no one will notice," the embalmers appear to have accidentally left a clay bowl of resin permanently bonded to his head.

In the exit hall, where the original sarcophagus is displayed, there is an Egyptian proverb written on the wall:

Life on earth passes
    it is not long;
Being remembered is the only success.



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