Saturday, June 16, 2007


When you're alone, and life is making you lonely
You can always go

When you've got worries, all the noise and hurry
Seems to help, I know

I've been working downtown for a few days this week, rather than the usual places in suburbia. For 13 years, I commuted downtown for high school and university. While I never really took full advantage of the location back then, I often do miss being there.

Part of my daily commute includes Toronto's underground city. A land formerly of ice and snow has also spawned the Plus15, and la souterraine. These now also serve as refuges from the blazing summer heat and humidity.

Few people speak, but nods and glances are exchanged, and there are also certain other unspoken customs. An endless stream of people, passing through a corridor between buildings, will gravitate towards the automated/accessible doorway, with various people periodically pressing the button as they go through, to keep the door open. There is a certain rhythm to everything, as people all around head about their business. After a while, it must all blend into the rat-race, but for the moment, it's a refreshing surge of energy.

We can forget all our troubles; forget all our cares, and go
Downtown -- things will be great when you're
Downtown -- don't wait a minute more
Downtown -- everything's waiting for you...



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