Friday, February 02, 2007

Day at the Museum

Flashback: July 11, 2004

The British Museum

Like the German Reichstag, Norman Foster has had a hand in the modern redevelopment of this historical building.

The Great Court

One of these things doesn't belong here

The Reading Room


Among the major artifacts here is a true linguistic milestone.

The Rosetta Stone

Speaking of linguistics, 24 hours in London already has me using bigger words and syntax found only in the Oxford English Dictionary. And is that a hint of an accent? Oops - I just said "elevator"...

The Elgin Marbles

One of the security guards is giving an impromptu commentary on the exhibit. I inquire about the status of the various repatriation campaigns. Apparently, it would require an Act of Parliament to allow their return to the Parthenon in Athens. So they will be staying put for a while.

West Frieze of the Parthenon

East Frieze of the Parthenon

It's been argued that such artifacts have been better preserved in foreign museums, than had they been left where they were found. Also more accessible to the public, and a larger, world-wide audience. This is a valid point, considering the tragic plundering of the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad.

Ram in a Thicket



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