Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Does not Compute

How have I become such a Luddite? Gone from spec-ing and sourcing my own components to build a custom PC, to seriously considering a Mac Mini.

At home, I actually own two computers - one big iron battleship and one ancient laptop. However, just like on Battlestar Galactica, they are not networked, nor even networkable. I'm almost afraid to start them up, lest they not wake up.

Meanwhile, I have a box of QIC backup cartridges which are nearing the design lifetime of magnetic tape. Even if I could still read them, I have no CD-R drive or USB ports on the old system to get the data out, and no floppy drive or serial/parallel ports on my current laptop to get the data in. Something has to be done soon. The first step would be to get a replacement for the burned out 17" CRT monitor, so that I can actually see what I'm doing.

Speaking of which, I also have two CRT TVs at home, but only one rabbit-ear antenna. No PlayStation, no XBox, no Wii. Just one reliable VHS VCR, and the cheapest DVD player money can buy. And given my current conundrum with media obsolescence, there's no way I'm getting involved in the HD-DVD or Blu-ray conflict.

I'm so far behind the times now, that I would be a hapless soul, totally at the mercy of the sales staff, if I need to buy something at any electronics store. My four year old cell phone may be needing a replacement soon. I'll try not to be upsold to an iPhone.

That's not to say that I'm beyond technological redemption. I've been resisting Facebook for a while now, but recently my hand was forced. At least I'm still not so old that I had to ask "What's a Facebook?"...



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