Hostel territory
As the second city of Iceland, and a popular summer destination for locals, Akureyri is supposed to be quite crowded at this time of year. Certainly the two main hotels were full, and I was fortunate to get a room at the Stórholt hostel.

Akureyri HI Hostel
I had learned that Hart had stayed there when he visited Akureyri a few weeks earlier, while driving around the country in his rented Yaris. He gave it a very positive review. Of all things, his assigned room-mate's name had also been Hartmut, visiting from Germany.
Since I would be arriving at 10 pm, after the hostel closed, the proprietress was kind enough to leave the main door unlocked, to allow me to pick up my room key, and then lock up for them. I can also say that the place is very clean, very Scandinavian. Too bad I would only be there for mere hours.

Single room - 2750 ISK in high season
I regret very much not having taken some time after finishing school, to do the obligatory backpacking through Europe thing. In some sense, I was making up for it on this trip. I might still be able to pass for a student at first glance, but just couldn't think or act like one any more. I had considered pretending to be a student if I met any fellow travellers there, but the only thing more ludicrous would have been to walk in with Star Alliance Gold luggage tags on my rucksack.
Thankfully (and mysteriously), there was no one else around when I arrived.
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