Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dentist, heal thyself

On the road recently, I found myself in need of some dental work repair. You'd think that our corporate business travel insurance would cover such things. I called their toll-free number, and found that you must be in pain and in the emergency room before they get involved. You also need to fax a few forms in before they start taking care of you. Moral of this story: don't ever get sick or hurt while on business travel, or at least make sure you're always in the vicinity of a fax machine.

Fortunately, I soon discovered that pharmacies in the US carry do-it-yourself dental supplies, from various non-toxic repair compounds to instruments like picks and scalers. For a mere $4.95, I was all set until I returned home, and got to my dentist's office. Of course, I removed all the evidence before I got there. No sense in showing up the professionals... ;-)



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