Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Recommended Reading

Before heading to Iceland, I visited Chapters and Amazon, and spent yet more money out of my indefinable Iceland Fund. To this day, I do not know, nor want to know, precisely how much it all cost. However, the following books were well worth it (including the cost of additional unrelated books needed to get free shipping):

Lonely Planet Iceland, 5th ed., 2004.
$18.16 CAD
Dependable Lonely Planet - indispensible to have on the road, and filled with just the right information that you need.

Insight Guides Iceland, 4th ed. updated, 2003.
$23.51 CAD
Prettier than the mostly-monochrome Lonely Planet, but larger and heavier. More focus on background information (politics and history). Great photos, but one to leave at home on the coffee table.

Krakauer, John, and David Roberts, Iceland: Land of the Sagas, 1998.
$22.36 CAD
A real coffee table book. Delves into the legends, history, and culture of the land. Krakauer is better known for his later book, Into Thin Air.



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