Friday, February 10, 2006

Dr.Garth Taylor

Some people use their blogs to rant, or to broadcast their beliefs and opinions. Most are personal projects, with varying degrees of vanity and comprehensibility. I'm just writing down some of my travel experiences, and trying to do something fun. However, this is a serious post.

Recently, I had gotten acquainted with Dr. Garth Taylor. I'd seen him around the neighbourhood a couple of times, and we'd even spoken briefly over the phone about some business, but we never met face to face, for a proper chat. Late last year, I heard the sad news that he had passed away suddenly.

Dr. Taylor had seemed to me a very decent and honourable gentleman. But it was only after his passing that I came to realize what this man had accomplished in his life, and how tragic it is that it was cut short. Because of his humility, one would never have guessed from simply looking at him or speaking with him, but this man actually made a life-changing difference to a great number of underprivileged people. The sort of difference most of us never even aspire to or could hope to match. This is the dictionary definition of a true humanitarian.

I find it chilling to read how as a physician, he knew the seriousness of his own condition as he diagnosed it himself. It's some comfort to know that he and his family were able to spend some time together before the end, and that his good works continue, even if he isn't there.

I'm not going to get on a soapbox here or start speaking in clichés, but this all serves to remind me that life is too short. I need to take a break more often from work and self-absorption, and simply do something useful, outside my normal circles, especially with the specialized skills I have. Not necessarily anything grand, but just helpful.



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