Commercial Fun
I've been catching up on the Super Bowl XL commercials this weekend. The advertisers have finally realized that the Internet can give their major investments some additional distribution and staying power. Simulcasting in Canada means we don't normally get to see the originals which air in the US anyways. Not having cable TV or an antenna means I don't even get to see the lamer domestic alternative ads either.
Last year, the German subsidiary of IKEA aired some commercials to promote their Midsommar sale. These played upon the German stereotypes of Swedes in party mode. IKEA HQ in Sweden quickly banned these, and had them pulled from the airwaves, and the IKEA Germany Web site. Most Swedes seem to take it in stride, and think they're hilarious, because they're not entirely untrue. They're still available for viewing on the Internet, at the Swedish Aftonbladet Web site:
Essen (Eating)
Feiern (Celebrating)
Morgen (the morning - after)
And here is the quickly-made replacement ad.
I can verify that the song Små grodorna (little frogs) is really sung at Midsommar, as Swedes dance around the maypole.

Midsommar Celebrations
Just passing through...
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