Saturday, November 03, 2007


In Des Plaines, IL, there is a re-constructed replica of the first McDonald's franchise, used as a museum.

McDonald's Museum

In Australia, McDonald's is informally known as "Maccas". To varying degrees, countries around the world have embraced and resisted the Golden Arches.

In Sweden for example, the similarly named Max Hamburgers has earned a strong and loyal following, based on national pride.

Slovakian Menu

The offerings are mostly the same, everywhere. Sometimes, the same product is known by different names in different countries. Like the Big N' Tasty burger, which is called the Big Xtra in Canada.

In other cases, local delicacies have been created. Like the McLobster/McHomard in the Maritime provinces, or the McPepper in Hong Kong.

However, there is nothing distinctly Slovakian. Only pseudo-international offerings like the Olympia Bacon, McLouisiana, or McCordon Bleu sandwiches.

International Menu

Thankfully, we choose to forgo the Maccas, and have lunch at a local restaurant with only three tables. Our meal was chosen from the Slovak menu, without 100% comprehension of what we were ordering. While we were careful not to be too adventurous, it was very pleasant, and certainly more healthy. Including a small tip, we also managed to use up exactly our every last Slovak koruna.

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