Monday, August 13, 2007

Into the Fire

This week in Dallas, it's 106 F in the shade, and it just doesn't let up at night. At home, not using the AC is a bearable challenge to save energy, but here, every air conditioning unit is in a continuous challenge to keep the city bearable. The room starts to warm up as soon as it stops. Here, the windmills tilt at the hot and humid air.

Recently, there have been articles about sustainable living in the Sun Belt, which contains most of the fastest growing regions in the US. Some have argued that it's time to stop trying to fight nature in these places, and encourage people to move to cooler climes. Internationally, Dubai seems to be the loud counterpoint to this argument, propped up by vast oil riches. It's almost a fantasy land, which I'd like to see just once, before returning home to cool down.



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