Monday, January 07, 2008 we know it...

It's a long way from home again.

Mirador de la Cruz

About 10750 km to be more precise.

End of the Road

The border between Argentina and Chile runs along the Beagle Channel.

Beagle Channel

It's like Banff, but with water. The unusually clear and sunny weather makes it truly spectacular. Someone said that the Inside Passage is similar.

Lighthouse at the end of the world

Today the water is absolutely calm, but one can imagine past explorers battling the raging sea, in the dark, with only a faint light keeping them from rocky destruction.

Lighthouse reflected

There's a certain false romanticism about a lighthouse at the end of the world. Even if this one is not really at the end of the world. And even that one is not the same one that inspired Jules Verne.

Lighthouse up close

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