Sunday, January 06, 2008

It's the end of the world...

This is the far frontier - a mythical land of fire.

Cape Horn Island

Over the centuries, many have passed this way.

Cape Horn

From explorers...

Ferdinand Magellan tourists.

Welcome to Ushuaia

This is another wilderness-tourism town, reminiscent of Banff or Canmore in Alberta.

Downtown Ushuaia

There is a minor rivalry between Argentina and Chile, over these frontier territories.

Chilean naval station

Back on the mainland, Punta Arenas lays claim to being the southernmost city in the world.

Welcome to Punta Arenas

However, Ushuaia is the town that most people associate with Antarctica, and wild adventure in general. There was even a reality series by that name, on CNBC several years ago.

The beginning of everything

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