Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

How did you spend this somewhat contrived "holiday"?

Finding myself in a sleepy suburb of Silicon Valley and all alone, I walked into one of the fancier restaurants in town (without a reservation), and asked for a table for one. Even eating at the bar would be fine. To their credit, the restaurant staff did their best to accommodate this unconventional request, on this day of all days, and from someone wearing a ski jacket in California.

The meal was excellent, and I got my complimentary glass of Valentine's Day wine. I even got to finish my dinner at one of the specially-rented tables for two when the bar became crowded by a large gathering. The wait staff hid their momentary confusion well. I didn't linger for dessert though, as I was surrounded on all sides by couples, and the table was needed for yet another pair.

In the end, an enjoyable evening, and a minor victory for single folk.



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