Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hotel Laws of Oregon

Parts of southern Oregon still have a certain "frontier justice" vibe from the days of the Old West.

Section 1966 (Defrauding Hotel or Boarding House):
Any person who shall, after having obtained food, lodging, or other accommodation at any hotel, apartment house, boarding house, tourist camp, trailer camp, or restaurant, surreptitiously remove his or her baggage and clothing from such hotel, apartment house, boarding house, tourist camp, trailer camp, or restaurant without first paying or tendering payment for such food, lodging, or other accommodation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $100, or imprisoned no more than fifty days, or both.

I'm pretty sure that the Big House won't award status points, even for a 50 night stay.



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