Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In the Drink

It's been a long winter, with much more snow fall than in recent memory. I suppose I've been fortunate to have been out of town during the major storms of the season, and also to have someone contracted to shovel my sidewalk and driveway.

No Parking

Even managed to avoid the chaos at the airport, although there were massive snowbanks which dwarfed the regional jets.

Snow Barrier

Now that the snow is finally melting away, I've been thinking a lot about water recently. Also been reading more about it in the news. Not sure if I or the media are just paying closer attention, or if we're now seeing more and more indisputable signs of a true global crisis, as many have warned before.

Beating a Retreat

The solution will not be a technological quick-fix, but much more difficult, massive societal change. And flying jets on biofuel won't cut it either.

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