Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ásbyrgi Canyon

The Scottish-American couple disembark at the entrance to the Ásbyrgi campground, and this has now become a private tour.

According to Icelandic legend, the canyon was formed when Sleipnir, the mighty eight-legged flying horse of Óðinn, touched down with one foot.


Path to Ásbyrgi Canyon

According to Icelandic science, the canyon was carved out in a matter of days, by a catastrophic jökullhlaup, flowing northwards from Vatnajökull.

Whatever the cause, it's clear that massive forces were at work, moving enormous amounts of material.


Ásbyrgi Canyon - Botnstjörn

There's not enough time to get to and back from the canyon lookout, which the driver assures me is the best part of this park. Oh well - have to leave something for next time.



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